Learn how to cultivate Chi, Prana, and life force energy
Integrative Embodiment, with Masculine & Feminine Polarity Work
Zürich, Switzerland
Friday 25th 10:00hrs - Sunday 27th September 18:00hrs
Each person is unique, and has their own way of sensing, and working with energy, of activating their intuition, and understanding their psychology: coming to terms with, and forgiving their past, and moving into a brighter future.
In this 3 day workshop, we create space, to explore, and understand ourselves, within a group setting.
We focus on learning how to transform, and integrate, opposing polarities within the body, using:
- Kundalini, and Energetic Bodywork practices
- De-armouring practices
- And the polarity framework, from the book: Masculine & Feminine Polarity Work
We delve into the paradox, of human emotions, and sexuality, on an experiential level, while being on our own, individual journey, of transformation.
Learning a range of bodywork, breathing, and energetic practices, we explore, and discover what integrative embodiment means, and develop a self-practice which includes, emotional, and physical de-armouring, in a way that allows more creative, and sexual energy to flow through our bodies. Having such a self-practice, to transform trauma in our own bodies, and run energy, is essential, for anyone who wants to develop their own energetic body, or work in this field.
Sessions are a mixture, of practicing energetic bodywork, with others (giving, and receiving), and on ourselves.
Mornings are dedicated to learning the fundamentals of, and practicing energetic bodywork, as demonstrated by Elliott Saxby, and we spend them in a more focused and mediative state. Afternoons are used to explore the Polarity framework, from the book: Masculine & Feminine Polarity Work, on the mental, and emotional levels, using group exercises, and personal experience. Although this is not a practitioner training, there is also time to share technical information, related to de-armouring, and working with kundalini energy in the body. The workshop is taught in a way that nearly everyone can benefit no matter their experience, thus some people like to repeat it.
Evening sessions are more flexible, and depends on the group, where we are in the course (ahead or behind) and if participants also want to offer, and share, their own talents and gifts, such as music, acro yoga, and similar.
This week is suitable for people on their own transformational, healing journey, and for therapists, from a range of bodywork, and psychological backgrounds, including: de-armouring practitioners, energy workers, tantric, and somatic therapists, yoga, and kundalini teachers, and general councillors, looking to develop, and refine their existing skills.
Different emotions, traumas, and energies, may arise: sexual energy and the transmutation of it is welcomed, and encouraged, but, it is not the focus.
The week is led by Elliott Saxby, with the support of assistants, who know, and are passionate about this work. To read more about Elliott, visit
The venue is a beautiful, seminar room, 20 minutes drive from Zürich, or slightly longer with public transport, and limited to 18 places (including assistants)
Price for the 3 day workshop is CHF590 and includes, high protein, vegan, mainly organic catering: Friday, lunch & dinner; Saturday, lunch & dinner; Sunday, lunch. Intermittent fasting is encouraged over breakfast to support the work.
Limited number of people can stay overnight at the venue and accommodation starts from CHF50 a night, possible to check in Friday, with couple rooms available (you are asked to refrain from bringing or consuming meat, dairy or alcohol during the course)
Cancellation policy:
For country boarder closures, due to a pandemic, or similar, you are granted a 100% refund, minus any currency exchange differences if applicable (most airlines, are also currently offering this, and cheap flights)
For other cancellation reasons:
Cancellation within 1 week of booking = 100% refund with a €80 admin fee
Cancellation up to 8 weeks before the course = 50% refund of the workshop and 75% refund of accommodation
Cancellation after 8 weeks before the course = 20% refund
For more information, please email, or register now