After your first session, if you'd like to book onto a package, we create clear, transformative, manifestational, and learning goals, as these give your subconscious mind both a focus and time frame for transformation. I've found making such a commitment creates the best results.
Packages can be real time, online, or a mix of both. I normally suggested 6 sessions, varying in length (generally 90 to 180 minutes each), with additional, phone, text, and email support, in-between sessions. These support integration, as needed, and create a space to be reminded of, and given additional exercises, they help keep you focused, and motivated (how much you engage out of sessions, is entirely up to you). What we do in each session is led by your input, and process. Most clients like to work through the exercises in my book at the same time, but it's not a requirement.
We book sessions in-advance, and you are free to move them, deciding how much time you need for integration after each session.
Read more about sessions if you have not done so already
In relation to money, I value my work, and I am really happy to work with people who value it too, but I know not everyone can afford this, and others find after a few sessions, such deep transformation happens, that they have all they need, and feel that I undercharged them when paying on a session-by-session basis. Thus after your first session, I invite you to choose to pay with option 1 or 2.
Although option 1 is my preference, as it allows me to do my very best for you, not everyone is ready to make such a commit after one session.
1. We book in six session dates, and create your list of, clear, measurable, and achievable goals, and I’m fully available to you, in various capacities, over this period, and you pay a package price of CHF2000 in-advance (with an additional CHF100 for every real time session to cover the cost of the room)
2. If you are not ready to commit, or simply can not afford it, it’s still better to book dates in-advance, as this is a clear investment in yourself, your subconscious sees the commitment, and the mind has a timeframe to work with. This structure really helps the subconscious, to create the results that you desire, and allows me to invest more time into you, as I know you're coming back. It’s up to you how many sessions we book, and you can still pay session-by-session, canceling at any time. The standard price for a 90 to 120 minute real time session is currently CHF280 (or CHF360 for 180 minutes), for online sessions it is $180. If after the end of the package, you achieved all that you where hoping for, then I’d ask you to pay the value, that you feel it is worth to you, in relation to your income, and what you can afford (you can use the CHF2000 for 6 sessions as a guide, or just trust your intuition).
I hope this feels fair for you, if it's not clear, please ask. I’ve learned that if I lower my price, then I need to work with more clients to sustain myself, and eventually, the session quality declines, I try to be as flexible as I can be, to work with the people who really want to work with me, so within this structure, please ask for what you need.
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