Learn how to cultivate Chi, Prana, and life force energy

Currently in Zürich, Switzerland
a) Emotional detox and body de-armouring approx 180 minutes CHF360 (current filming offer CHF200)
b) Building a multi-orgasmic body approx 180 minutes CHF360
c) 90 minute session CHF210
d) 60 minute session CHF140
Reduction available if you book multiple sessions
Please email me if you have any questions or can not find a suitable time.
You should receive an email confirmation after booking

Zürich, Switzerland:
Zürich, Switzerland. Silentpower, Altstetterstrasse 121 ,8048

Freiburg, Germany:
Freiburg, Germany. Glareanstraße 1, 79102
Light spacious, treatment room in a converted loft.

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