Sexual energy in women naturally penetrates them inwards transmuting into creativity, then power and then love to manifest what they desire. Sexual energy in men naturally wants to leave the body, we are the ones who penetrate. We naturally give our energy to the feminine to create the maya (our illusion/reality/matrix) or a child. But to be a better men we need to also learn to create life for ourselves, to generate our illusion/reality. Once we can create our own illusion without dependency on a mother or a wife we are more worthy of a wife or even a mother who wishes for us to be reborn into her illusion (the matrix). So as men we need to learn to sit with our sexual energy, and to penetrate our own bodies with sexual energy through our inner Feminine pathway, activating our #hierosgamos template and becoming whole men (not half men) capable of loving whole strong and independent women who have also activated their Hierosgamos templates (women who are #Goddesses ) The difficulty for men to sit with and internalise sexual energy is our natural animal instincts and biological programming. Our natural response is to give our power and seed to the feminine so that the human races survives. We are all born into duality and our role is to evolve beyond primal animal instincts, to evolve polarised and neutralised existences into higher states of consciousness that we create abundance from: an abundance of sexual energy for both ourselves and the women we love. We might see our primal sexual desires as desires to dominate women and thus women being submissive to men as they need our energy to create life: but this is a very childish view. The feminine surrenders to receive and the masculine surrenders when he gives, his
act of giving is his leadership and the feminines act of receiving is her leadership as she leads simply by being and expressing who she is so magnetising more of who and what she is.
It’s always a circle a perfect balance, marriage and union of dualities and polarities, domination and submission turn into trust and surrender, to give and to receive become the same act as we are both always doing both, giving and receiving.
When we have a lot of immature masculine energy and a lot of sexual energy it can feel dangerous to sit with it and to cultivate more #sexualenergy as we are likely to fall into this trap of then wanting to dominate or become submissive in a desperate and primal survival driven need to get all of the sexual energy out of our bodies (domination and submission is a very base shadow polarity that most life stems from so we can philosophise psychology into it in many ways and it will normally always have truth in it!)
But the moment we develop our inner Feminine as men (and this can be as very masculine men) we master ourselves and master our sex.
Then we can truly lead and receive, we can truly be trusted to create a reality we love in which men and women (the masculine and feminine) are equal but different.